Web development, now made easy. Angular focuses on the developer’s productivity, speed, and testability, and can be deployed to mobile devices and desktops as websites and native applications.
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Angular works on the JavaScript framework, and is used by developers for building web, desktop, and mobile applications. Development of Angular applications involves usage of Typescript, which is a superset of Javascript, along with HTML, CSS, etc. But what makes angular different from most of the tools is that it introduces the concept of two-way data-binding, which works as a catchy eye feature
This modern web developing platform can achieve the maximum speed possible on the Web Platform today and take the speed further, via Web Workers and server-side rendering. The incredible tooling enhances the efficiency and performance of your work in Angular. Angular helps in projecting any model to the application layer that too, without adding any extra efforts or manipulating the DOM components, by managing synchronization in DOM, Angular makes things easier for you to develop.
1. Major Components
Create components manually and learn the usage of other elements such as CLI. Also, learn ways to disintegrate
2. Introduction of Modules
Know the method for modularizing angular applications explore by creating feature modules.
3. Templating
Study template syntax and its applications and develop dynamic templates.
4. Form Management
Develop forms with two types of techniques- template-driven and reactive forms.
5. Services
Create services to hold business logic and inject services into services & components
6. Routing & Remote Communication
Study the ways to implement navigate and protect routes in addition to consuming remote services.
7. Web components
Understand the implementation of angular elements in the web components.
8. Advanced features
Work with advanced features such as server-side rendering, service workers, PWAs, and Angular Material.
9. Unit testing
Gain your expertise in unit test angular applications using jasmine, angular testing utilities, and karma.
10. Get your hands on Debugging
Explore Chrome and Microsoft VSCode, learn how they are used for debugging Angular applications.
11. Dev Tooling and Bundling
Understand the applications of Angular CLI & augury along with the bundling process & optimizations by Angular CLI.
Starting off with Single Page Application vs Multi-Page Application, and further proceeding to the pros and cons of SPA vs MPA. Understand the angular tooling enhances the developing experience. Also, get a high-level overview of the framework and its community.
Angular – Past to Present
The leap from AngularJS to Angular
Desktop Application class User Experience
Tooling and Productivity
Full-featured Framework
Supported Browsers (Angular 11)
Angular-The platform for Targeting Native Mobiles and Web Browsers
TypeScript is essential for building apps using Angular. Developers often use ECMAScript 6 and above to build Angular apps, but it is also necessary to learn TypeScript before diving into Angular itself. The following module will teach you everything that is needed :
What is Typescript
Why Typescript
Setup and installation
IDE support
Scoping using let and const Keywords (ES6)
Template Literals (ES6)
Rest and Spread Parameters (ES6)
Destructuring (ES6)
Introduction to Types
Type inference
Type Annotations
Null and Undefined
Introduction to Functions
Using types in functions
Function as types
Optional and default parameters
Arrow functions
Introduction to Classes
Access modifiers
Getters and setters
Read-only and static
Introduction to Interfaces
Optional properties and methods
Strict structural contract
Extending interface
Implementing interface
Introduction to Modules
Import / Export
Design variables using let and const, use spread, and the other operators with functions, create multi-line strings with template literals, pull values for arrays and objects using destructuring.
Design variables with different TS-supported data types.
Create functions with optional, mandatory, and default parameters.
Create arrow functions.
Implement inheritance build classes with properties, methods, and accessors.
Implement interfaces in classes, learn to create an interface, and use it to validate object shapes.
Create modules and import them into other modules.
By the end of this module, you will understand how to set up Angular CLI and create a fresh project in the command-line tool. You will also gain knowledge of project structure and its significance.
Angular CLI
Anatomy of the project
Setting up a workspace
Updating Angular apps using ng update
Adding support for external libraries using ng add
Debugging Angular apps
Operating Augury
Applying the Angular Language Service with Microsoft VSCode
Build an original angular CLI project using angular CLI, execute, and debug.
Discover the bird’s eye view of angular and its programmable members. The following module lays the foundation for a complete course.
Data binding
Dependency injection
Angular Ivy
Understand the importance of the angular module system, and obtain an insight into the need for modules, their creation, and the different types of modules
Why modules
Creation of modules
Built-in modules
Root Module
Feature module
Create a feature module and import it into a root module.
Understand the significance of components and learn the ways of creating a component with different ways of attaching templates and styles.
Basics of components
Component decorator
Component configuration object
Custom components
Component with templates
Component with Styles
Angular Elements
Design a component with inline and external styles and templates, learn designing elements manually, and with cli. Also, apply component composition after applying a component in another component.
Understand the Angular templating syntax and discover the powerful data binding features.
HTML as template
Data binding
Property Binding
Event Binding
Two-way binding
Template expressions
Template syntaxAttribute, class, and style bindings
Template reference variables
Safe navigation operator
Practice different data binding syntax in the template, implement property binding with Input and custom event binding with Output binding, design template reference variables, and apply them in the template.
Feel the power of Angular directives and the various types of directives supported in Angular.
Introduction to Directives
Built-in directives
Structural directive
Attribute directive
Implement redundancy and conditional rendering in a template using structural directives along with implementing dynamic styling and attribute directives
Gain knowledge of Angular data transformation and capabilities using pipes.
Built-in pipes
Pipe decorator
Transform data using currency, date, json, and other pipes. Also learn the application of built-in pipes in transforming data.
Gain in-depth knowledge of developing forms in template-driven and reactive, form styles along with validation techniques.
Angular/forms library
Template-driven forms
Form and field validation
Validation check with ng-pristine,ng-dirty, ng-touched, ng-untouched, ng-valid, ng-invalid
Show and hide validation error messages
Form submission with ngSubmit
Reactive/ Model drive forms
FormGroup, FormControl classes
FormBuilder for easy form building
Validations using Validators
Setting form model using setValue and patchValue
Use FormArray to build repeated from controls or form groups
Develop forms in both template and reactive forms along with validation. Also, you will code form with the most commonly used controls like textbox, drop-down lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons.
Study the importance of dependency injection in angular and the other kinds of provider types in Angular.
Why DI
Injectable decorator
Custom service development
Registering the service with NgModule
Provider Types
Design services and provide them as dependencies for components.
Create 3 different types of providers – components at self, parent, and root levels.
Explore the ways to implement navigation in angular and ways to protect routes with route guards.
Routing and Navigation Basics
Angular/router library
Configure routes
RouterModule.forRoot and RouterModule.forChild
RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkActive
Nested Routes
Parametrized routes
Route guards
Generate a navbar component that provides routing for the application.
Use route configuration at the root module and feature module level and protect routes with guards
Gain knowledge of observable patterns and implementation in javascript with the use of rxjs library.
Why RxJs
Observable interface
Application and creation of observables and operators.
Know how to consume remote API utilizing an HTTP client. Also, understand the power of interceptors for better error handling.
Installing the module
Making a request for JSON data
Type checking the response
Handling of Errors
Transferring data to the server
Making a POST request
Configuring other parts of the request
Create a service that uses HTTP Client to make CRUD operations.
Add headers to requests and handle errors.
Explore the interesting insights along with some of the most interesting features of Angular that help boost productivity, performance, and more.
Create Libraries
Angular Material Essentials
Lazy Loading
Customizing the Angular CLI using the Builder API
Render Server Side with Angular Universal
Working with Service Workers
Developing a Progressive Web App
Design a progressive web app (PWA) that uses Angular Material
Learn writing unit test cases, test components, pipes, and services
Testing in Typescript
Testing Component
Testing Service/Provider
Testing Pipe
Unit test a component, service, and custom pipe.
Angular installation is simple, just follow these easy steps :
Step 1. Install NodeJS and npm
Step 2. Use npm to install Angular CLI
Step 3. Create a New Angular Application
Step 4. Run the Application using the ng server
There is a need to understand the tools and techniques mentioned below :
Npm or Node Package Manager
Angular CLI
The basic use of AngularJS is for creating Single Page Applications (SPAs). A single-page application adds more beauty and fluidity to a website. Other than Single Page Applications Angular is also used to create navigation menus which are a vital part of any website.
Angular JS is a front-end open-source JavaScript framework that enhances browser-based applications with the Model-View-Controller capability.
Angular offers a number of benefits some of them are:
Simple and effective ways of creating SPAs
Developers can efficiently work on and integrate into other applications like Wijmo, Ionic, Kendo UI
Angular helps developers combine various “modules” with one another and create an entire application
Angular allows developers to develop applications on different platforms such as – Web, Desktop, and Mobile
Keep updating yourself with the latest and advanced versions of Angular.
Dedicate a good amount of time towards practicing a few live projects, you can even opt for jobs on a part-time basis – this will help you grasp the concepts even quicker.